Welcome To PNG Consulting

Personalised Consulting Services

About PNG

PNG Consulting is a professional consultant, launched for giving services for operation and maintenance (O&M) and project activities for power plants across the cross section of India as per requirement.





About Us

We are providing advice and guidance for various critical activities of any Powerplant-project and operation & maintenance area. We are Experienced powerplant professional associated with power plant activities and extend support for site supervision and guidance at definite intervals.

Preparation of tendering documents and monitoring formats and safety requirements of any project and O&M site.

Assisting in ISO and 5S Documentation, preparation of annual budget plan, KPI /SLA documentation.

We also assist Client in site specific survey for Insurance and claims of Equipment and damages. We also assist in identifying the Environmental requirement and pollution control measures required at specific sites.

Our Leadership

CEO at PNG Consulting

M N PRASAD Our Director brings relentless drive for innovation and passion for personalised service for Power sector. He joined Power sector in 1988 and ever since stayed with the industry. Joined the sector with Four years of Industrial experience in captive powerplant and projects. Leadership, Expert in project execution, Commissioning, O&M of Power plants of 210/250/500/660/800 MW, Project Planning, Execution of sub critical & super critical power plant in green field and brown field. Experience of 36 years in power /paper industry and for the last 33 years in Power plant in Senior positions and In charge of project / station, Erection, commissioning & O&M. Exposure to Technical services, Field quality assurance, Field engineering services, 5S, Business excellence, Quality circles, Professional circles, System development, Planning &system, Township, IT ,various business models, SAP, PRADIP (Paperless office), Business Excellence, Qualified Auditor for ISO system,5S, OSHAS, & ISO -45001 . He is a Graduate in BTech-Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Management, Diploma in software system of Computer Applications.

Our Services

Offers the following expert services

Preparation of Various Tender Documents

Assisting vendor to prepare various tender documents along with QR criteria, ...

Supervisory Advice and Site Supervision at Specific Intervals

Site visit at specific intervals to assess status of any site activities and give feedback to client...

Guiding Client for Material Handling/ Ash Handling Construction/Erection & O&M Activities.

Client will be assisted by experts in making documents for supervision...

Detailed Plan for Project

Based on MNW and L1 network, L2 network and L3 network can be prepared. Vendor will be assisted by experts in fixing...

Overhauling & NDT Documents of Powerplant and Material Handling System.

Based on overhauling schedule, detailed plan, Work breakdown structure with time frame & resources can be made.

Safety Plan

Develop safety system documents as per site requirements. Identify PPE required for site to perform.

Emergency PreparednessPlan for Power Plant

Assisting client for preparation of Emergency preparedness plan for power plant.

Management Instructions and JSA/HIRA

Instructions given by any Local Management for implementation of Procedures & Instructions.

Project Execution Supervision

Supervision of project activities as per specific requirement at predetermined intervals and preparation of reports and action plan.

Preparation of Project Reports and Monthly Report

Project reports for specific activities. Reports can be tailor made as per client requirement.

Annual Budget Plan

Preparation of Annual budget plan for any activity. Assistance can be extended for specific activities also.

ISO, 5S Documentation & KPI Monitoring Formats

Assist client for ISO documentation requirements, Manuals, ...

Industry Insurance Survey

Survey for Insurance of any industry and Heavy Machinery as per specific requirement for submission to insurance agencies.

Environmental Related Study and Wash System

Any query related with Environment and site-specific activities. Assist client for...

Training -Online & Offline

Training Module can be planned site specific for Power plant familiarisation, project Execution, O&M services, Material handling and ash handling Personality development...

FGD And Solar Power Plant Construction/Erection Management

Flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plant construction / erection and Solar power plant installation and supervision work...

Our Testimonials

Contact Us

Png Consulting
Ja-4, Jaladarsini Apartments
Golden Street, Vaduthala P.O
Cochin - 682 023 , Kerala

Email ID

+91 9494155391 / 9746335247